
FLMSP has no paid staff—we are all volunteers, and we hope you will join us. Everyone is welcome; every effort helps.  Work on your own or with a group. We’ll provide the tools, supplies and training. The amount of time you devote is always your decision, and your work will always be sincerely appreciated.

200 JoinUs Volunteer adopt a trail

Join a group that helps maintain a section of trail near you. Work with the team or on your own to clear debris from the trail and berm, pick up litter, trim vegetation, or work a chainsaw. We provide tools and training. Our teams work to improve safety on the trail while enhancing its beauty and contributing to everyone’s enjoyment of the trail.


200 JoinUs Volunteer special ops
Special Projects

Plant trees, repair fences, fill our kiosks, grind down trail bumps, pull our blower behind your vehicle to clear leaves and debris from the trail--if it's on our trail, it can use your help! 


200 JoinUs Volunteer group opportunities


Group opportunities

We offer flexible community service opportunities for students, businesses, churches and civic organizations.  Choose the time and place best for you, and we’ll match you up with one of our experienced volunteers to plan and direct your efforts. You’ll have fun with your group while contributing to your community.


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Off the trail

If physical labor isn’t for you, you can be a Friend in many other ways! We need volunteers to coordinate and answer our Trail Hotline, write informational and publicity articles, and manage our social networking—and that’s just a sample. Let us know of your special skill or interest, and we’ll put you to work!

Click to view Volunteer_Needs.pdf


Our Partners

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OTETrail 115

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