Donations & Memberships

FLMSP conforms to the highest industry standards applied to non-profits. We are proud to make our most recent income tax form 990 available here.

Donate By Mail

Just click to access this pdf document, print it and fill it out, and send it with a check to the address provided on the form.

Donate via Credit/Debit/Paypal

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Choose either a set amount or enter a different amount below.
Note: A Patron Level Donation/Membership automatically renews your Basic Membership for that year.
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In the “Number of Donations” field, enter how many times you want this donation to repeat, e.g. any number greater than 1. For example, if you select “Monthly” from the “Please Select a Frequency” field and enter “12” in the “Number of Donations” field, you would make a donation every month for one year.

Leave the “Number of Donations” field blank for a recurring donation that does not expire. For example, if you select “Yearly” from the “Please Select a Frequency” field and leave the “Number of Donations” field blank, you would automatically make a donation every year until until you personally logon to your PayPal account and cancel it. (Click here for instructions.)

Note: Recurring donations require an account at PayPal. If you don't already have a PayPal account, you may set one up when you click “Make a Donation via Credit/Debit/PayPal”.
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