Stay On Two Feet

slipping on ice1 crop

Actors in a theater wish each other good luck in a rather strange way by saying “break a leg.” Cyclists wish one another well by urging others to “stay on two wheels.” This time of year, whether you are retrieving your mail, walking your dog or hiking the Little Miami Trail, you run the risk of slipping. My daughter recently slipped on ice and sustained a concussion. Fortunately, she recovered quickly, but her experience led her to research safe winter walking. Here’s the advice my daughter has for you:

1. Focus on the task at hand and avoid distractions, especially those involving your cell phone. Don’t text and walk on ice!

2. Rather than walk like a human, waddle like a penguin. Take short steps and keep your center of gravity over one leg.

3. Utilize a walking stick, trekking poles or a cane. These devices aid your balance and allow you to maintain contact with the ground.

4. Wear spiked overshoes. For about $10, you can purchase a pair of rubberized overshoes with metallic spikes that easily slip on and off and provide sure footing on ice.

Deep bruising? Broken hip? Serious concussion? Here’s your chance to rewind the movie and to stay on two feet while walking on ice. Spring will be here soon, but meanwhile, stay safe in the waning winter weeks.


by Erick Wikum
March 2019

See and Be Seen

Night cyclist lights

During this time of year, our trail use often occurs during low light hours in the early morning or late afternoon. A walk, run or ride that begins in full light can easily end in dusk, darkness or heavy cloud cover that comes on surprisingly quickly. Being safe in low light conditions calls for SEEING what’s in your path and BEING SEEN by others including motorists and fellow trail users. Fortunately, today’s marketplace offers a variety of helpful safety products, including the following:

1. Bike lights: Head and tail lights allow you both to see and be seen. Using these lights even in daylight conditions is advisable to attract the attention of other trail users, since much of the trail is tree covered and dimly lit. Special rules established by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the Little Miami State Park specify that “night cyclists must have front white light and rear red light.”

2. Headlamp – A headlamp will illuminate your path, allowing you to avoid trip hazards including uneven surfaces and debris. Lightweight, adjustable headlamps often feature bright LED lights and rechargeable batteries.

reflective vest3. Reflective clothing – Reflective material allows you to be seen, especially by motorists as you traverse or cross roads. Most running shoes feature at least a minimal amount of reflective material. Reflective clothing including jackets or vests double as layers to keep you warm. 

4. LED reflecting band – Bands for arms or ankles feature both reflective material and embedded LED lights with multiple “on” modes (glowing or flashing).

Perhaps with cold temperatures, wintery weather and shortened days, I ought to advise you to wait until spring to use the Little Miami Scenic Trail again. Upon further reflection and enlightened thought, though, I can see you, adorned in low light safety gear, enjoying the trail now. My oh my, can I see you!

by Erick Wikum
January 2019
Vest photo by Top Fitness Magazine

Putting Passion in Action for Safer Intersections

On August 16th of this year, we met with a representative of a local family foundation who spoke passionately, even emotionally, about his love of the trail and what it has meant to him over the past 10 years. He also spoke about “giving back”:

“After running for more than 40 years, my knees and lower back finally capitulated and pleaded that I find an alternate activity to remain fit. Ten years ago, I discovered the bike trail and a new passion developed for riding after work. The stress of a busy surgical practice would melt away as I pedaled along the river, through open fields, and quiet forests. With each mile, I shared nature’s beauty with other exercise enthusiasts of all ages who were walking, running, skating, and biking on one of the most spectacular trails in America. It was only natural that I would want to “give back” in order to maintain this spectacular resource. I feel privileged to help preserve this treasure for my children and my grandchildren to enjoy as much as I have during the past decade.”

SR350Intersection unmarkedTrail users indicated that Safety was a top priority, a close second to trail condition, in FLMSP’s 2017 Trail User Survey. So in the spirit of “safety”, this person has offered a generous donation of $20,000 to improve the safety on all 41 trail intersections. Phase I will be painting crosswalk “ladders” on road surfaces using reflective paint and clearing lines of sight to 45 degrees by removing brush, low limbs, and trees. Phase II will be installing U-channel posts topped with diamond-shaped road signs picturing a pedestrian and a bicycle, and 45-degree arrow signs pointing down to the crosswalk “ladder.”

The donor described above has shown his love for the trail and concern for safety through his generous donation. Can we count on you to join this local family foundation and make a “safety donation”? If so, just write “safety” on your check and send to the address below. If you prefer to donate by credit card or PayPal, you may do so here and check the “custom donation” circle. Either way, we will add you to the list of people who consider “safety” in general and “intersection safety” in particular a top priority for those who love the trail.

Rte126After bicycle pedestrian crossing sign pixPhotos: top, SR 350 before safety markings; left, SR 126 with "ladder" and sign; right, bicycle/pedestrian sign pointing to crossing

Send donations to:
Friends of the Little Miami State Park
9378 Mason Montgomery Rd.
Suite 395
Mason, OH 45040-8827

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