Walking to Hollywood!

2024.05 Victor Walking to Hollywood2 450

by Bill Brown

You meet a lot of interesting people along the Little Miami Scenic Trail, but this encounter was more interesting than usual.

A young man stopped to chat with FLMSP's Far South Maintenance crew near Terrace Park and it was clear he was not from around here. Victor was from Paris, France, and was eager to polish his English-speaking skills. He asked several questions about who we were and what we were doing working on the trail. As we explained the Friends of the Little Miami State Park volunteer organization to him, Victor became very enthusiastic in expressing his thanks for keeping such a beautiful trail maintained. He had been hiking from Xenia and mentioned all the kind people he met on the trail who helped him find places to sleep, eat and shop.

Then the conversation turned to him as we asked about his story. Victor is an actor in France but had bigger plans to advance his career. Where does an actor go to get "found"? Hollywood, of course! The flight from Paris to Los Angeles is very expensive and he had a different plan in mind that started with a much cheaper flight to New York City. From there, he began walking west. This stroll across the United States was not just intended to save money. Victor felt he needed to learn a less formal "American English" and get a closer look at the people and places in this country before he pursued his career in California. By the time we finished talking, his formal "thank you sir" had become "thanks guys". He said he wanted to see the country and experience the towns and people in a very personal way. Victor was a very charming and compelling personality and there was little doubt that he had a shot at making it in Hollywood!

If you see a young French actor named Victor in American film or TV in the next few years, remember the Little Miami State Park helped form his image of the heartland of America and the people.

Photo by Bill Brown

May 2024

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