The Little Miami - Wild and Scenic River Ecology and History

by Stanley Hedeen

This 96-page resource is a guide to the ecological and historical features of the Little Miami. The physical setting of the river is introduced in Chapter One and the peopling of the Little Miami watershed is covered in Chapters Two and Three. Chapter Four reviews the watermills that once operated on the river and its tributaries, and Chapter Five recounts the help and hindrance of the watercourse to the transportation of humans and goods. Chapter Six examines the stream’s organisms ranging in size from microbes to beavers, while Chapter Seven describes how water pollution is threatening the riverine community and presents methods to control the contamination. Finally, the Appendix lists organizations that the reader may join to assist in the preservation and protection of the Little Miami. The Bibliography is extensive and offers resources for further information on various aspects of the Little Miami River.

Click to open PDF file: The Little Miami - Wild & Scenic River Ecology & History 

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